About Us

We love animals. We love the earth. And we love our products! 

We started Charmed after noticing just how much waste our horse farm was creating, particularly when it came to grooming and bathing supplies. The endless rounds of plastic bottles, particularly shampoos and conditioners left us feeling helpless. We wanted our horses (and dogs) to look and feel their best, but the environmental impact was massive. 

We came up with the idea of bar shampoos for horses and dogs after realizing that a bar of soap could be created, shipped, and consumed for a fraction of the carbon footprint of a regular shampoo bottles. 

We admit that we were skeptical at first. 

Bar soap for hair? 

So we tried it. On ourselves of course. 

For months and months we all used a variety of bar shampoos. We tried different brands, different fragrances, and different formulations. 

We had some successes and lots of failures (overpowering smells, no lather, drying and damaging to our hair and skin) but we persevered. 

And what we've created is absolutely delightful. 

It lathers beautifully (our most important criteria)!

It smells amazing but not overpowering. 

It leaves soft, well moisturized heads, hides, paws, manes, and tails. 

Best of all, it's all-natural, made right here locally, and so much better for the environment. 

After it passed the human test, we tried it on our horses and dogs. 

Same great success!